Historic Theater Building – 2nd Place Award

Created by – Helen Benefiel
AWARDED 2ND PLACE – Best Gingerbread House

This historic theater building is a spectacular work of gingerbread art.  There are so many expertly expressed techniques used in the construction and decorated of this featured gingerbread house, including air brushing and layering of gingerbread, fondant and icing to reproduce decorative stone masonry on the facade of the building.

Every aspect is full of detail, from the bricks and mortar in the sidewalk to the poppy seeds used to produce the asfault roofing.

But the piece does not stop where the building ends, the addition of beautiful trees, lampposts, drifted snow and small characters add atmosphere and live to the piece unlike any other at the show.

The cast of small characters include an old couple bundled up in sharp clothes and holding hands, a bell ringers with his dog companion and a young man with a cap.

Helen Benefiel is an award winning cake artist in the Lawrence, Kansas area.  Please visit her wedding cake website: HelensCakes.com